1. Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Machine Learning

Department of Engineering Science, Central Oxford

We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Machine Learning to join Torr Vision Group at the Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford). The post is funded by EPSRC and is fixed-term to the 30th September 2026.

We are looking for great machine learning researchers to join one of three on going areas in the Torr Vision Group.

The first is on foundational work on agents, and agentic safety.

The second is on using AI in the field of genomics to aid drug discovery.

The third is explainable AI for the law.

We plan to use agent based methods to help the latter two.

In particular, we encourage and will favour applicants with a strong background in either the area of AI & genomics or in the area of .AI agents. Although those with strong backgrounds in multi modal models may be considered.

You should possess a PhD or DPhil (or near completion of) in Computer Vision or Machine Learning. You should have knowledge of approaches for areas related to efficient, reliable, and robust deep neural networks applied to computer vision tasks. You should have the ability to manage your own academic research and associated activities.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Philip Torr (email: philip.torr@eng.ox.ac.uk)

For more information about working at the Department, see www.eng.ox.ac.uk/about/work-with-us/

Only online applications received before midday on the 24th March 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.

The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. For more details and application, please refer to here

2. Fourth Year Project/Master Thesis

If you are a student at Oxford, have a specific research direction in mind, and aspire to publish in top conferences, please reach out to Professor Torr. philip.torr@eng.ox.ac.uk